How To Grow Your Own Hemp in Your Backyard Garden

with Maria Calabrese & Emily Gogol, Ph.D.

In this episode of know n' go - How To Grow Hemp At Home, Maria and Emily Gogol, founder of Infinite Tree and Grow It From Home, walk us through how easy it is to grow hemp from hemp, right in your backyard garden.  They cover why you would want to grow hemp, what you can do with hemp and why it's better to grow it from home.  Further down, we have a bonus video for you with Emily & Maria on how to make a DIY hemp floral bouquet.  Be sure to check it out below!

Grow It From Home CEO Emily Gogol, Ph.D.

Featured Guest: Grow It From Home CEO Emily Gogol, Ph.D.

Emily Gogol is the founder and CEO of both Infinite Tree, a hemp cultivation farm, and Grow It From Home, a business selling hemp seedlings and seeds direct to consumers.  She has a Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences from University of California, San Francisco.  Her love of gardening and passion for science led her to leave San Francisco to open Infinite Tree farm.  It was while operating Infinite Tree that Emily started to receive requests for hemp seeds and seedlings from backyard gardeners all over the country.  So Grow It From Home was born.

How To Grow Hemp In Your Garden

 Growing hemp at home has many advantages.  You can control the growing environment, such as soil, soil amendments and water, to ensure nothing bad is introduced to your plants.  Even beginners have said they have grown the best hemp flowers they have ever had in small containers in their backyard.  Improved flavor, aroma and cannabinoid presence has also been reported by fellow gardeners.


step 1 - order hemp seedlings or seeds
Order hemp seedlings or seeds.

The easiest way to get started growing hemp in your backyard garden is to order hemp seedlings and have them shipped to your doorstep.  You can order hemp seedlings from Green Bee Life here.  

Alternatively, you can germinate your own hemp seedlings using hemp seeds.  Some gardeners are purists and want to start from the very beginning.  We get that and we've got you covered.  You can also order hemp seeds here.

Once you receive your hemp seedlings, remove them immediately from the package and give them two cups of water.  Then prepare for step #2.

Grow it From Home - CBD Hemp Seedling

Join gardeners across America growing hemp! As easy to grow as a tomato, on your patio or in your backyard. USDA Organic Certified Hemp Seedlings, direct from Apple Valley, Oregon farm to your doorstep.

Available only in these U.S. States:

Alaska, Arizona (indoor growers), California, Colorado, District Of Columbia, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, New York, Oregon

How much hemp should you grow?

Hemp is sort of like zucchini, you will have so much you need to give it away.  Three plants would provide more than enough flower for personal use.


Step 2 - transplant your hemp seedlings
Unwrap seedlings and water.

When your seedlings arrive, immediately remove them from the box and water with two cups of water.  If you can't plant your seedlings right away, keep them in a slightly shaded spot outdoors or on a sunny windowsill indoors.  Water them with two cups of water every other day.

Grow it From Home - Hemp Seed Package

Late spring through fall, warm season annual bears flowers high in CBD with a sweet floral aroma, excellent for culinary and smoking applications. Plant in containers or in your vegetable garden, versatile and adaptable, easy to grow.

Seeds are easy to start, and your package comes with a how-to guide and a beautiful letter pressed Canna Card.  Only Available in Alaska, Arizona (indoor growers), California, Colorado, District Of Columbia, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, New York, Oregon


Step 2 - transplant your hemp seedlings
Transplant your hemp seedlings.

Mature plants can get large enough to comfortably use a 3 to 5 gallon pot, but initially, you can start them in something smaller and transplant again when they’ve had a chance to grow.  Fill the pot with an organic soil, leaving room for the seedling to sit in the center.

Remove seedling from its plastic container and put in a whole that is deep enough to cover the entire root ball and approximately 1 inch of stem.  Press firmly on the soil, but be careful not to smash the roots.  If necessary, add some more soil to the pot to ensure even coverage.

Water the transplanted seedling and place in a somewhat shaded spot in your backyard until it’s had a chance to get over the transplant shock.

Grow it From Home - Gardener Bundle

Ready, set, get gardening! We have you covered with Grow it From Home's Garden Package! It includes a 3-pack bundle of popular reusable fabric pots, tried and true, by Grow it From Home's head gardener gardening gloves, and comfort grip trim/pruning scissors.


Step 2 - transplant your hemp seedlings
Enjoy CBD hemp leaves & flowers

Hemp has many uses in your every day life. You can use grow it to create a screen or hedge around your yard or patio. You can use its height to create strategic shade for areas in your yard. Use it as a conversation starter with your family and friends. Please have been known to use hemp for pain relief, anxiety relief and relaxation. 

Grow it From Home - Hemp Canvas Tote

We tried a lot of totes before deciding on this sturdy, all-purpose Grow it from Home tote made from eco-friendly hemp. With a contrasting navy handle, this stylish and durable tote tells it like it is. You're a back yard gardener. You grow hemp, and it's awesome!  Use it for carrying your gardening supplies or your harvest.

Frequently Asked Questions About Growing Your Own Hemp

Why grow hemp?  What can someone do with it?

It has many uses: 

• It can serve as an herb with which to infuse oil.

• Create a screen or hedge around your yard or patio.  

• Create shade when the plants attain some height.

• Use as a conversation piece using hemp plants as shade.

• People have been known to use hemp for pain relief, anxiety relief & relaxation.

• It can be smoked, cooked, or eaten raw. 

Why grow hemp at home?

There are a lot of reasons why someone chooses the plants they do to include in the garden.  Aside from personal reasons of your own, there are two very important reasons:

One, you can control the growing environment, such as soil, soil amendments and water, to ensure nothing bad is introduced to your plants.

Two, even beginners have said they have grown the best hemp flowers they have ever had - improved flavor, aroma and cannabinoid presence - in small containers in their backyard.

How much hemp should someone grow?

Hemp is sort of like zucchini, you will have so much you need to give it away.  Three plants would provide more than enough flower for personal use.

To what states can hemp be shipped?

Because of state regulations, currently only the following states can order and receive hemp seedlings or seeds:

Alaska, Arizona (indoor growers), California, Colorado, District Of Columbia, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, New York, Oregon

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